Guest: Terry Tillman
“Your life is controlled by what you focus on.” – Tony Robbins
“Don’t swallow that seed or you’ll grow a watermelon in your stomach”…”Be nice or Santa Clause won’t bring you anything for Christmas!”…”Get down from there or you’ll fall and… ”…Some of the crazy things your parents told you were meant to protect you. But as you got older and wiser, you realized some of them just weren’t true.
But the deeper truth found here is that fear is a tactic used to keep you from taking an action, and one that’s played a role in your life since you were in diapers.
It’s a hard pattern to break — especially when you’re conditioned to focus on the negatives of what could happen. But how does life look through fear-colored lenses? Fearing your shadow and worried by the unknown. Constantly stuck in your comfort zone. So terrified by the prospect of making mistakes, failing, and getting hurt that taking risks are out of the question.
But when your fear shuts the door to possibility, it closes out all possibilities. Including the golden ones — like helping more clients in need of your services, finding authentic happiness in a loving relationship, experiencing the freedom to follow your heart and intuition. So do you risk more by leaving that door closed or open?
Your dream life is waiting for you.. Use the time and energy you spend searching for a safety net on making progress toward your fulfillment. Trust the abundance. Have faith in yourself and the universe, take the leap — and watch the net appear.
The Face Your Dragon podcast opens up the concept that what you are most afraid of and most resisting are the very things that will set you free
Focus on Generosity to Live Your Desires
Think about what you want. I mean really picture what life would be like in your most epic of dreams. Good, you just took the first step to getting it. What you focus on expands. This is key to catalyzing the flow of a natural design of circulation. The law of circulation involves more than putting out your own desires to manifest. You have to feed it in order to receive it and be generous with your resources even when they’re low.
This week’s guest has decades of transformational work under his belt. Terry Tillman conducts seminars and speaks internationally for groups of 50 – 15,000 participants. He’s been teaching self-development in Idaho and Patagonia for 25 years and has done leadership and team building seminars in 94 countries with some of the biggest companies in the world. In this episode, he shares the keys to creating abundance in your life using focus, intention, and the natural law of circulation.
Other tips and takeaways:
- Focus on intention not method.
- Thoughts become things. Be mindful of your thoughts under stress.
- Abundance is everywhere and endless. Never worry! Trust.
- Avoid the scarcity mindset. Be generous through tough times.
Episode Discussions:
- Brad’s journey to Burning Man
- Terry Tillman’s Comfort Zone Model
- The law of abundance
- The law of circulation
- What you fear will come upon you
- Facing fears by rock climbing
- Learned or adopted fears
- How and why givers gain
- We are social animals and meant to work together
- Quotes and concepts, from the Upanishads
- Dissolving fear by performing feared action
- Tony Robbins teachings on focus
- Clarity never shows up initially, it shows up on the way
- Having faith and trust when taking the leap
- Exposure therapy
- Removing addictions like a watch you wear
- Learning to detach (Buddha’s concepts)
- A process to help you move through being stuck
- Working with a coach
- Giving in to other people’s points of views
- Just having a degree has cache but very little retention or actual use
- Social pressure, familial, societal, cultural challenges
- Approval needs
- The birth of the dragons
- Redirecting focus – Where you look is where you go
- The importance of making love a priority
Episode Benefits:
- Discover the keys to creating abundance in your life using the law of circulation
- Learn how and why givers gain
- Understand the importance of faith and trust when taking the leap
- Listen in as this episode illuminates the path to awareness and provides valuable guidance on how to find, face, and ride your dragon.
Here’s the thing.
1 of the 5 dragons is chaining you down from taking the leap and breaking free.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Show notes written by Jonnie Williams