Guest: Kristine Carlson
“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. “
-Aristotle Onassis
When life is non-eventful, serene, calm — it’s easy to let the rhythmic tranquillity lull you to sleep. Pseudo-living each day just like the one before. Awake on a Monday morning and a few breaths and blinks later, you wake up on Friday questioning where the week went. Then where the month went. Then where the year went. Then, your life.
However, there exists the moments when life reminds you to live it. These moments aren’t delivered as gentle subtleties and they don’t come with a snooze button.
Life’s wake-up call of choice is pain. Why? Because most of the time, isn’t it the only thing that seems to get through
The Face Your Dragon podcast opens up the concept that what you are most afraid of and most resisting are the very things that will set you free.
The Gift of Pain
Pain is a rude awakening, nevertheless, it awakens.
You can’t choose it’s wrapping paper.
Its presentation is beyond your control.
Fortunately, the only decision that really matters is what you decide to do with the darkness.
Will you see these moments as your adversaries or allow them to be your guiding clarity?
Will you use your pain to find purpose?
It’s possible to shed the smoke screen and gain clearer vision of your calling, even in the darkest of times. If you think you can’t leverage your pain or fear to your benefit, don’t tell that to this episode’s guest, Kristine Carlson.
After receiving an earth-shattering phone call informing her of her husband’s abrupt death, she faced her own dragons of uncertainty and fear. Through loss, she discovered purpose and now inspires others with her message.
Kristine is co-author of the
“Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff” book series along with her late husband Richard and author of International Bestsellers, “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff in Love: Simple Ways to Nurture and Strengthen Your Relationships (Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff Series)” and “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Women: Simple Ways to Do What Matters Most and Find Time For You (Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff Series)”
with over 30 million copies in print.
Wake Up to Your Greater Purpose
“What I love so much about the human spirit is that we can take our greatest tragedy and we can turn it into something that gives our lives greater meaning than what they might otherwise had.”
–Richard Carlson
Kristine Carlson found herself “immersed in living” her roles in life before the death of her husband. Her loss resuscitated her into the realization that she wasn’t living consciously.
She began taking steps toward gaining the clarity she needed to focus on her purpose.
“You have to wake up right now, you have to wake up to what you have and wake up to what you really deeply desire and start moving in those directions even if you have to take a dive into the unknown. “
–Kristine Carlson
Episode Discussions:
- Distractions and how they keep you from enjoying your life
- Why you should embrace grief
- How you can win through loss
- Finding purpose in dark moments
- The importance of remaining present and practicing mindfulness
- Discovering your message through suffering
- 5 Principles to keeping life in perspective
- How not to sweat the small stuff
- Why you should see the beauty in every situation, even loss
- What your anger is trying to tell you
- Kristine’s big leap into the unknown and how it lead to her creativity
- Why you should pursue the things you’re most afraid of
Episode Benefits:
- Learn actionable steps to tap into your space of creativity and increase your engagement in life.
- The appetizing possibilities that await you if you’re willing to take the leap beyond your comfort zone.
- Could there be a part of you that’s not yet fully alive? The part that’s dormant and waiting to break free so it can transform into your greatest purpose? This episode stresses the importance of exploring the benefits that reside within your emotion.
- Listen in as this episode illuminates the path to awareness and provides valuable guidance on how to find, face, and ride your dragon.
Here’s the thing.
1 of the 5 dragons is chaining you down from taking the leap and breaking free.
Mentioned in this episode:
Kristine Carlson — Official Website
“Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff in Love: Simple Ways to Nurture and Strengthen Your Relationships (Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff Series)”
“Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Women: Simple Ways to Do What Matters Most and Find Time For You (Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff Series)”
Related content:
FYD Episode #1 – Miguel Ruiz
FYD Episode #2 – Gay Hendricks
Other media:
Randy Pausch “The Last Lecture”
Oprah Winfrey- Stanford Commencement Speech
Carl Honoré “In Praise of Slowness”
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